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A GTK3 replacement for clusterssh written in Python and inspired by https://github.com/nergdron/crussh.
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Investigation on the generative effects of extinction learning emerging from an associative network.
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e-crap, the Enterprise-grade Collaborative Reproducible Access Password generator
Derive secure passwords from a common, usage-specific master secret and the respective machine's MAC address.
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Example lecture of "Group Theory in Nuclear and Particle Physics" Lecture at Ruhr-University Bochum in winter semester 21/22 using reveal.js.
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Patrick Reichherzer / PropPy - Correlated random walk propagation of cosmic rays in magnetic turbulence
MIT LicensePropPy is an open-source python software for propagating charged high-energy particles (cosmic rays) in astrophysical environments
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Markus Anthony Stricker / pyiron_exp_utils
GNU General Public License v3.0 or laterTestbed for using pyiron as a driver for optimizing the number of measurements in an experiment using a Gaussian Process.
Data and template code were provided by Lars Banko. Refactoring to object-oriented design by Markus Stricker.
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Dieser Telegram Bot wird zum Abmelden von FSR Sitzungen genutzt.
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Kassensystem und Shot-O-Mat interface fuer das Campusfest
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Campus Rallye WS 19/20; Cyberpunk; Arturcoins
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Raumstatus Server API
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Dieser Bot informiert auf Telegram über neue Posts auf dem Blog.
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Abstimmungstool. Genutzt auf VV fuer Arbeitsauftraege.
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This is a backup of cloned Anaconda environments
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