This repo contains all materials and programs to create a SQLite database of SFB 1280 metadata and to generate a descriptive statistical analysis of the content. For more general information about the SFB 1280 metadata schema and metadata files, please read this wiki.
It is required to have a Java version greater or equal to 1.8.0 installed. You can download the current Java Corretto here:
After installing Java, you should be able to launch the application by simply double-clicking it.
How to create a SFB 1280 metadata database?
The DatabaseCreator has been developed as an auxiliary tool to run regularly, scanning the CRC's central storage for all CRC metadata (JSON) and writing the results into a SQLite database. You can find the program code of the DatabaseCreator in the src and lib folders in this repository. Additionally, we provide a CMD line tool as well as a version of the program with a nice graphical user interface here
Input fields top-down:
- Choose Destination Folder for Database: This file chooser window lets you choose a folder in which the newly created database will be placed!
Choose Root Folder of meta Files: This file chooser window lets you define the base of the database creation search. The application will go recursively through every subdirectory of the selected folder and include every
file found in the database. For SFB-1280 users this may be the base of the file share. -
Create Log Files: This checkbox enables the creation of logging files. Enabling this feature may slow down the application a bit, but log files are a great starting point to check the current search progress or to see potential errors and warnings afterwards.
- Choose Log Folder: This file-chooser window lets you choose the folder in which the logging files will be created.
- Create: This button starts the database creation process. It will take some time (minutes to potentially hours) in order to complete the task. The speed depends on the amount of files to search through and the hardware specifications of your personal computer. Progress can be checked in the logging files, if enabled. The application will show a popup-window once the creation has finished.
How to analyze the contents of a SFB 1280 metadata database
The contents of the databases can be searched and analyzed with the SFB DatabaseApp.
How to search the database?
Use the DatabaseApp: Diers, E., Zomorodpoosh, S., Labrenz, F., Merz, C. J., Pacharra, M., & Otto, T. (2023). DatabaseApp (v2.0). Zenodo.
License and Citation
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License:
Please cite as: Diers, Erik; Otto, Tobias; Pacharra, Marlene (2024). DatabaseCreate.
If you have any questions about the DatabaseApp, or if you have feature requests or found bugs, please contact the SFB's INF project via email:
The development of the DatabaseApp was carried out as part of the SFB 1280 INF project, supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft DFG (German Research Foundation, project number 316803389).